New Customers
The LGS Staff is proud to welcome our 2015 Freshman Class of Customers
- Wheeler County Attorney
- Lee District Clerk
- Loving County and District Clerk
- Menard County and District Clerk
DataPoint News
-E-Filing – As you are most likely aware by now, the Texas Supreme Court has mandated electronic filing of all civil cases throughout the state. The Office of Court Administration has contracted with eFileTexas[1] to create and support a central portal for all filings across the state. Following a schedule based upon population size, each county has been given a deadline by which they must accept electronic filings using this portal. View the full LGS E-Filing Press Release document.
With many of the efiling deadlines moved up, LGS is proud to have fully integrated a large portion of our customers. This means that all electronic filings submitted through, once approved, will automatically be added into their LGS case management software without the need for additional printing and stamping of documents. To date, LGS is the only company aside from the efile vendor who has successfully developed and deployed this level of integration. As a company LGS constantly focuses on those items that are able to streamline a counties day to day work load, and will gladly work with other vendors across the state to do so. While we are still working with the “Phase 5” counties on their worksheets and integration, we do have a number of county offices who have full integration with
-Online Public Search – Rapid changing technology has a direct link to public demand that has catapulted us into the era of “I want it all and I want it now.” There is no county office which feels the pressures of these demands more than the County and District Clerk. The DataPoint team continues to work at providing tools to efficiently assist clerks in managing such demands. The online search of indexes to gain information concerning records of file is one such tool that is being utilized by Ellis County, Lee, County, and Anderson County. This search is provided through LGS’ hosted server in a secured network environment and allows for remote public inquiry access via
Prosecutor News
- CJIS (Criminal Justice Information System) –In an effort to streamline day to day tasks within various county offices, LGS has included CJIS Integration in the most recent upgrades for both the DataPoint and ProsecutorProfessional software packages. In order to utilize the functionality of this feature, CJIS requires county certification at the state level which LGS will assist with. For those offices wanting to remotely report the required CJIS forms please notify LGS through a support ticket to ensure the certification scheduling.
**UPDATE – ‘Michael Morton Act’ signed into law**
The Prosecutor development team is keeping a close eye on the potential legislative change regarding the Discovery Bill otherwise referred to as the Michael Morton Act. According to the Dallas Morning News “to curb such wrongful convictions, lawmakers are looking to broaden discovery laws and allow defendants more access to exculpatory evidence.”
As always, making sure that your software meets the current legislative guidelines is a priority. If you have had discussions in your office concerning the new Discovery Bill and would like to offer feedback, suggestions, or gather more information from LGS, please feel free to contact us. Please mark the subject as Discovery Bill when using the Contact Form.
More information can be found at: